29 May

Tanzania is an internet world today, most populars are diverse to the kind, it been a rule of these diversions leading to the kind of acute, almost 65% of every dignity you go people are scorched with internet, in most diverse people using phones that allow internet connection, most of them with digital or most most phones, this had been my inclusion.

This internet is like a poke, almost everybody is in use of it, i was even prosecuted with a guard men at a venues party or festival to wait for some cubic clocks or knots for the return of my check point as a substance, their was a review of seems as the guard chromes on his seems, "what's popping?" He respond, "chromes digitals on the seem, it takes knots to tab this way through the internet, it is it's privilege and occasion got me chroming, this chapters are bang bang". It was like a nightmare to me, but internet had been like a wish to me, and this is how i had to catch down with it's pleasant.

Internet had been a sort it's nikely that every body use it, it's presents are coming fast so it's a review to notice this. As one time i make my recommendation with a business man in kibaha spotting on these cybers, he even appealed that "internet general substance have been the success of their company, and most on enrolls of employees, this steps have been appropriate, that now we florishing", making dissertations, exploitation of resources had been the news here. So bynip will always cooperate.